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From habitat magazine - issue 37, editorial

Sometimes the smallest decisions turn out to be the biggest. As we were awaking from nationwide lockdown slumber, I had a cruel awakening in my backyard, falling ungracefully through a hole in my rotten deck. Thankfully, it was only my ego that was bruised, and I admit the fall wasn’t a case of rotten luck but entirely my fault.

Emma Rawson
Are you working on a project with Resene paints, stains or wallpaper? We’d love to see it! Please share it with us on email, Instagram or Facebook.

We’d been neglecting our tired deck for some time, stuck in a state of DIY limbo as we waited for the lockdown to end. Then, when it did (and we had no excuse anymore), we ‘ummed’ and ‘aahed’ over types of timber and the merits of staining vs painting and – once we settled on staining – what colour of Resene Woodsman to use. (If you’re wondering, at the moment, we’re going with Resene Woodsman Natural, but Resene Woodsman Heartwood is still in the running.)

I live in a 1970s-era townhouse, one of eight identical small freestanding houses on a cross-lease driveway (apparently, the other houses on the street call us Noddyville). We have no body corporate and total decorating freedom, so when my neighbours painted their house in gorgeous charcoal Resene Double Foundry, the long driveway echoed in audible “oohs”. It’s the only dark-coloured house in the set of eight – and it looks fantastic. I admire my neighbours’ colour bravery.

If you’re stuck in DIY limbo or are having trouble deciding on your exterior house colour, you’ll find tonnes of inspiration in our Superior exteriors story and the Cinderella before and afters. Heading indoors, we’re making wallpaper simple and showing you how to add a bit of natural style to your home through biophilic design.

We love seeing photos of your projects – you never know, you might be the one that gives someone the confidence they need to be the only charcoal house on the street.

Happy reading!
Emma Rawson editor


It’s amazing how things can change in an instant. One minute things are tracking along nicely, and then next minute life throws you a curveball or two. And we’ve all had plenty of those to contend with in the last few years. It can be hard to stay upbeat when things are in turmoil, but sometimes the best way to improve your mental health is to focus on things you can control.

Most of us are guilty of having a decorating to-do list where the only thing that ever gets done is writing the list. However, a wayward to-do list is actually a great place to start to get into a positive frame of mind.

It’s hugely satisfying crossing jobs off the list and decorating itself is a very mindful activity which helps to clear your brain. Plus, by tackling your list you can enjoy the first projects you finish while you work on the next ones.

Most of us manage to make dinner most nights, which can add up to about an hour in the kitchen. Applying one coat of paint only takes as long as cooking one meal, however the satisfaction and enjoyment of the fresh colour can be enjoyed for many years to come. Give yourself a night or two off making dinners or other household chores and use that time to refresh your spaces so you can enjoy them more every day. After all, you can always order in, and the vacuum cleaning can always wait for another day.

So why not get out that to-do list and commit to tackling one job every week or two or even every month? Start with a couple of easy jobs first to get into the habit. Once you are underway, the sense of achievement and satisfaction of finishing will spur you onto your next project.

We have so many nervous novice decorators that come into our Resene ColorShops armed with questions. Within a short time they become passionate painters and wallpaperers, who love being able to make transformations to their home spaces with a small amount of time, effort and their favourite Resene paint colours.

If you’re still looking at your decorating to-do list and thinking you need a hand getting started, our Resene paint and colour experts and Resene ColorShop staff can help you with everything you need to become a deft decorator and to-do list conqueror.

Happy decorating!
the Resene team

Exterior colours mentioned plus two of my favourite colours from the Resene Multi-finish collection, Resene Tropical and Resene Green Acres

Resene Tropical

Resene Green Acres

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If you have an idea, project or story that you think would suit habitat, we’d love to hear from you. Please drop us an email with your details and include photos if submitting a project.

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